The deja vu theory
The deja vu theory

the deja vu theory

This is called Deja vu and the previous life current life or your life within another dimension Theory. Aligning between two or more dimensions of the same world between the same person. This kind of Deja vu pertains to events, sights, sounds, feelings etc. The second kind of Deja vu is secondary Deja vu. This feeling of Deja vu is much less intense in nature. Happening in this world in this dimension. Primary Deja vu occurs when you have Deja vu pertaining 2 events, sights, sound feelings, etc. But all the while it’s still you.Ī Theoretical View of Deja Vu in this Theory there is two kinds of Deja vu, primary and secondary Deja vu. In one dimension maybe you’re rich, famous, a doctor, rock star, poet, teacher, traveler. So, you did do that thing before, but in another dimension. It’s like if 2 clocks from all these hundreds of dimensions run at the same time, if only for those few seconds, but in those few seconds, the clocks pause for just a second, and for just a second the 2 dimensions are aligned, causing the feeling of Deja vu.

the deja vu theory

And, like a clock, the second-hand goes through all these many dimensions of yourself, quite naturally and quite fluidly, until there comes a moment in time that is so like a moment in another dimension, so similar in fact that you feel it deep down in your bones, that you’ve felt this before, but not just you in this life, but you in another dimension. The entire world can be different in one dimension or things can be relatively close to how life is for you today. In each dimension it is you but perhaps with a different job, dreams, aspirations, friends. existing precisely as you are today, but with subtle differences across these dimensions. Imagine if there were hundreds of dimensions and within these dimensions are worlds exactly like ours, and within these worlds are people, and these people between dimensions from world to world are the same for the most part.

the deja vu theory

Maybe when we have Deja vu, it is actually 2 dimensions aligning so perfectly, in just such a way as to give you a sense of Deja vu. It could be déjà vu relating to a previous life in this world or in another dimension. This deals with things you have not experienced in this life, but in another life. Things you’ve seen, done, heard, experienced, etc… One is primary déjà vu and this deals with things that have happened in this life. What had caused this Deja vu? I was completely relaxed at the time, I can’t say it was excitement or something.

the deja vu theory

My girlfriend asked me, “are you ok” “I think I just had déjà vu” I said. I had this sudden feeling of euphoria, I started breathing heavy and I blanked for just a second. I’ve had Deja vu before but not like this, this was so much more intense. As soon as I looked down at the plate I felt it [. It was a small plate, meant for some appetizers or something, but at the moment it was simply an empty plate, and it was that action of the server placing the plate down in front of me that caused a reaction in me. When from behind me a waitress placed a plate in front of me. We had just been seated, menus were passed around. We had finished watching the film and had gone to the same diner we always went to. Now this year was especially “magical” to begin with and my group of friends were really into “spiritual” types of things in a spiritual sense, so what I’m about to describe defies explanation, but I will describe it as best I can. This particular night I’m speaking of there were about 10 people in the group.


On many weekend nights we would go out to see a movie then afterward we would go to an all-night diner to eat. At the time, I had a girlfriend, and she and I had a large group of friends we would hang out with. The summer of 2000 was a fun, hot, incredible season.

The deja vu theory